plesne cipele RUMMOS EAUR 004-GS4


Plesne cipele – RUMMOS – EAUR 004-GS4

Visina pete:  8 cm

SKU: EAUR 004-GS4 Kategorije: ,

Plesne cipele za vjenčanje - RUMMOS - EAUR 004-GS4

Plesne cipele su ujedno i najudobnije cipele za vjenčanje

Elite Aura is a professional dance shoes hand made by rummos to all dancers that need more from a dance shoe.
Elite shoes construction is made to achieve the best performance ever on the dance floor.
Double cushioning material for an extraordinary comfort.
Great foot support and and amazing flexibility.
Heel perfect balanced for an amazing stability
'Wear and Dance' fitting

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